1. Bread with Tomato

Ingredients: Rustic bread (toasted or not), ripe tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, salt.

Published by : Prateek Mahesh

2. Toast with Avocado and Egg

Ingredients: Whole wheat bread, ripe avocado, eggs, olive oil, salt, pepper.

3. Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts

Ingredients: Plain Greek yogurt, fresh fruits (berries, peaches, etc.), chopped nuts, honey (optional).

4. Oatmeal with Nuts and Cinnamon

Ingredients: Oats, milk (animal or vegetable), nuts, fresh fruit, cinnamon.

5. Spanish tortilla

Ingredients: Eggs, potatoes, onion, olive oil, salt and pepper.

6. Green Smoothie

Ingredients: Spinach or kale, fruits like banana or mango, Greek yogurt, milk, chia seeds (optional).

7. Chia Pudding with Fruit

Ingredients: Chia seeds, milk, vanilla, fresh fruit, cinnamon (optional).

8. Hummus with Pita Bread

Ingredients: Hummus (you can buy it prepared or make it homemade), whole wheat pita bread, vegetables such as cucumber or tomato.