Sum Insured Reborn: The Magic of Restore Benefit in Health Insurance Plans

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Health insurance in India is a shield that safeguards individuals and families from the financial burden of unexpected medical expenses. Among the various features offered by health insurance plans, “Restore Benefit” stands out as a crucial component, often serving as a lifeline during challenging times.

Imagine this scenario: You’ve purchased a health insurance policy, thinking you’re adequately covered for any medical emergencies. Unfortunately, you encounter a situation where you exhaust your entire sum insured due to hospitalization for a severe illness or accident.

At this point, one might worry about being left without coverage for the rest of the policy year. But here’s where Restore Benefit comes into play.

What is Restore Benefit?

Restore Benefit is a unique feature in health insurance that reinstates the sum insured amount automatically if it gets exhausted during the policy year. In simple terms, if you’ve used up your entire coverage amount, Restore Benefit offers an additional cover without any extra cost, allowing you to continue receiving medical care without worrying about expenses.

How Does Restore Benefit Work?

Let’s break down how Restore Benefit functions with an example:

Meet Ravi, and Understand What Happened in His Case

Ravi, a 35-year-old professional, has a health insurance policy with a sum insured of ₹5 lakhs and includes Restore Benefit. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected illness, he is hospitalized, and the total expenses amount to ₹5 lakhs, exhausting his entire coverage.

Normally, without Restore Benefit, Ravi might have to pay for any further medical treatment out of his pocket for the remainder of the policy year. However, because his policy includes Restore Benefit, the sum insured gets reinstated to ₹5 lakhs automatically.

This allows Ravi to continue availing medical care for any other illnesses or accidents within the same policy year, up to the restored sum insured amount.

Key Features of Restore Benefit:

  • Automatic Reinstatement: When the sum insured is entirely used up during the policy year, Restore Benefit kicks in automatically, reinstating the entire coverage amount.
  • No Extra Cost: The additional coverage provided through Restore Benefit does not require any additional premium payment. It’s an in-built feature within the policy.
  • Single and Multiple Claims: Restore Benefit can be used for a single claim or multiple claims until the sum insured is exhausted again or until the policy year ends.
  • Policy Renewal: Restore Benefit typically refreshes at the policy renewal, offering a fresh sum insured for the new policy year.

Importance of Restore Benefit:

  • Financial Security: It offers a safety net by providing an additional sum insured when the original coverage is utilized, ensuring continued financial protection during a medical crisis.
  • Continuous Coverage: Policyholders like Ravi can receive medical treatment without interruptions, even if the sum insured is exhausted, easing the stress during emergencies.
  • Enhanced Coverage: Restore Benefit enhances the overall coverage of a health insurance policy without an increase in premium, making it a valuable addition for policyholders.


In a country like India, where healthcare costs continue to rise, having a health insurance policy with Restore Benefit can be a game-changer. It provides peace of mind and financial security, ensuring that individuals and families can access quality healthcare without worrying about the depletion of their coverage.

Before purchasing a health insurance policy, it’s essential to understand the terms and conditions related to Restore Benefit, ensuring that you choose a plan that best suits your needs. Remember, while Restore Benefit is an excellent feature, it’s just one among many aspects to consider when selecting a health insurance policy that aligns with your requirements.

So, when you’re planning for your health and financial well-being, don’t overlook the importance of Restore Benefit. It could be the safety net you need during unexpected medical emergencies, offering the support and coverage necessary to navigate through challenging times.

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